Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 3, 2013

How to write a good research paper and give a good research talk

Research skills

Writing papers, giving research talks, and writing research proposals are key skills, but they aren't easy. This page describes how I approach each of these three challenges, in the hope that they may be useful to you.You probably have ideas of your own. Can you share them with other readers of this page? Here's a Wiki page that anyone can edit, where you can add your comments on the presentations below, your own thoughts and suggestions, and pointers to other material you have found useful.
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How to give a good research talk

"How to give a good research talk", Simon Peyton Jones, John Launchbury, John Hughes, SIGPLAN Notices 28(11), Nov 1993. Since we wrote the paper quite a few people have written with constructive comments. Nick Nethercote also has a useful 2-page guide about giving a talk.

How to write a good research paper

"How to write a good research paper", Simon Peyton Jones.I gave this talk at the Technical University of Vienna in October 2004. There isn't a paper about it, only the talk:

How to write a good research proposal

"How to write a good research proposal", Simon Peyton Jones and Alan Bundy.

Other resources

Finally, here are some pointers to other advice I have found useful, though Google will find you a lot more besides.

Simon Peyton Jones,

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