Functors cho phép viết code bất chấp cấu trúc dữ liệu cài đặt là gì, và cho phép tạo ra các hàm (functions) có thể thay đổi được.
2.3 Functors
Functors are “functions” from structures to structures. They are used to express parameterized structures: a structure A parameterized by a structure B is simply a functor F with a formal parameter B (along with the expected signature for B) which returns the actual structure A itself. The functor F can then be applied to one or several implementations B1 …Bn of B, yielding the corresponding structures A1 …An.For instance, here is a structure implementing sets as sorted lists, parameterized by a structure providing the type of the set elements and an ordering function over this type (used to keep the sets sorted):
# type comparison = Less | Equal | Greater;; type comparison = Less | Equal | Greater # module type ORDERED_TYPE = sig type t val compare: t -> t -> comparison end;; module type ORDERED_TYPE = sig type t val compare : t -> t -> comparison end # module Set = functor (Elt: ORDERED_TYPE) -> struct type element = Elt.t type set = element list let empty = [] let rec add x s = match s with [] -> [x] | hd::tl -> match x hd with Equal -> s (* x is already in s *) | Less -> x :: s (* x is smaller than all elements of s *) | Greater -> hd :: add x tl let rec member x s = match s with [] -> false | hd::tl -> match x hd with Equal -> true (* x belongs to s *) | Less -> false (* x is smaller than all elements of s *) | Greater -> member x tl end;; module Set : functor (Elt : ORDERED_TYPE) -> sig type element = Elt.t type set = element list val empty : 'a list val add : Elt.t -> Elt.t list -> Elt.t list val member : Elt.t -> Elt.t list -> bool endBy applying the Set functor to a structure implementing an ordered type, we obtain set operations for this type:
# module OrderedString = struct type t = string let compare x y = if x = y then Equal else if x < y then Less else Greater end;; module OrderedString : sig type t = string val compare : 'a -> 'a -> comparison end # module StringSet = Set(OrderedString);; module StringSet : sig type element = OrderedString.t type set = element list val empty : 'a list val add : OrderedString.t -> OrderedString.t list -> OrderedString.t list val member : OrderedString.t -> OrderedString.t list -> bool end # StringSet.member "bar" (StringSet.add "foo" StringSet.empty);; - : bool = false
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